Free Cancer Paper (SEND study) – write some questions, plus invite to 3 BRAND NEW In-Training Assessments (free assessments)

You might have noticed the recent SEND paper in the British Journal of Cancer (open access – free to download from ). No prize, but a little pride, for the first people to create a few appropriate MCQs based on the science in the article (or in general) or critical appraisal of the article (or in general) or the principles of scientific studies.

Also I invite you to the second round of the Medartis supported In-Training Assessment (below). ALL NEW QUESTIONS. Assess your knowledge and invite your friends in your own nation and overseas to do the same.

Best wishes,

Patrick Magennis

Contribute questions to the In-training Assessment – this is very important

Please use the link

Username (copy and paste into log-in) : miotainternational candidates

Password: Medartis2019



A drawing of a face Description automatically generatedMedartis International OMFS
In-Training Assessment (MIOITA)


3 New Assessments for October 2019 (plus please add questions)

Welcome to these latest opportunities to use on line Single Best Answer (SBA), Extended Matching Item (EMI) and an Image Based Question formative assessments. Formative assessments are designed to support and improve learning. They are assessments FOR learning rather than OF learning.

You will be given your score at the end of each assessment you take. When the assessment finally closes to new candidates, you will also receive your ranking overall and your ranking against your national/international peers (please check your profile to make sure your nation is correct)

To have a future, these in-training assessments need all those who use them to contribute to the question bank. The questions do not need to be difficult. They should just be about something at trainees of any level should know – from beginner to specialist. If you have experience of high stakes examinations, this knowledge puts you in a great position to both improve your knowledge/understanding and help your colleagues by creating questions of a similar standard.

Please use the link below to add at least 2 questions of each type.

When you are ready to complete an assessment click start and use the current password Medartis2019  then follow the instructions on-screen.

If you have any problems let me know. I have invited all those who participated in the last MIOITA to participate. Please spread the work to your pals in our own country and overseas. It will give you and everyone else the chance to find their ‘unknown unknowns’. Forward this e-mail to anyone in OMFS from first year to final, give them a nudge.

These 3 assessments will close at midnight on at the end of December (unless there are requests to keep open for another week or two).


Best wishes,

Patrick Magennis


PS I realise those trainees who have completed their own high stakes exam e.g. the FRCS (OMFS) in the UK, may not be keen to complete the assessments, but I plead with them to take the time to contribute questions. It is only be having a large question bank that this will continue. Use it or lose it.