European In-Training Assessment (OMFS Section of UEMS)

Please take a few minutes to add questions to European In-Training Assessment (OMFS Section of UEMS)

As someone who has signed up for the In-Training Assessment in the past, I am contacting you to ask if you could submit some questions, please. I need new questions to keep this resource alive. Please submit your question(s) in the next few weeks. When you submit, if you want a certificate, I am happy to send you a formal acknowledgement from the OMFS Section of UEMS. is the question bank

login is omfstraineesinternational

password #OMFSuems

If you would like to join the ITA team and have your own personal account with which to add questions, just ask.

The news is that the OMFS In-Training Assessment is once again a OMFS Section of UEMS exam. We are only able to do this with direct support from EACMFS (and indirect support from Medartis). Thanks both.

The link to take or retake the assessments remains
 but the password to try (or retry) the password for the assessments is now

I hope, having benefited from the assessment in the past, you will find some time to add to the question bank. I need ‘an assessment’s worth’ of questions by mid-April.

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Patrick Magennis

President of OMFS Section of UEMS