Datum / čas
Date(s) - 19/04/2018 - 21/04/2018
Celý den
Místo konání
Hilton Warsaw Hotel and Convention Centre
Spring in Warsaw/Poland in 2018 (April 19-21). This city will host you for the 13th European Skull Base Society Congress.
All specialists involved in this topic are cordially invited to join this event for “Mutual learning – overcoming limitations”. Scientific program including growing achievements after Berlin Congress will offer you all opportunities to improve knowledge and skills to follow state-of-the-art in skull base disorders and management.
We encourage all of you neuro-, ENT-, and maxillofacial-surgeons, neuroradiologists, radio-oncologists, head, neck- and reconstructive surgeons as well as basic researchers, especially the junior reserachers, and all other health care professionals interested in skull base to join us in Warsaw.
This will be supplemented by social program in special places of national and cultural heritage of Warsaw.
We are looking forward for your active contribution to the Congress program as well as to your participation.
A very warm welcome to all of you from both Congress Presidents!
- K. Niemczyk, MD, PhD, Poland
- A. Tamašauskas, MD, PhD, Lithuania