Konference České kooperativní skupiny pro nádory hlavy a krku

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Datum / čas
Date(s) - 24/09/2025 - 26/09/2025
Celý den


International Conference of Czech Head and Neck Cancer Cooperative Group / Konference České kooperativní skupiny pro nádory hlavy a krku | HNC group

International Conference of Czech Head and Neck Cancer Cooperative Group / Konference České kooperativní skupiny pro nádory hlavy a krku

  • Term: 24. – 26.9. 2025
  • Place: Znojmo, Loucký klášter


  • Language: English


Dear Colleagues!

It is our honour to invite you in the name of the Czech Head and Neck Cancer Cooperative Group (CHNCCG) to our traditional Conference Znojmo 2025. It will take place as every year in the Louka Monastery in Znojmo from September 24 to 26, 2025.

The yearly conferences of CHNCCG are focused on interdisciplinary collaboration in current issues of head and neck oncology with the aim to achieve consensus among different specialties. The main topic this year is Toxicity and side effects of the treatment but many other aspects of the head and neck oncology will be addressed. Symposium of the European Head and Neck Society “Treatment of head and neck cancer: Complications and long term outcomes” will be part of the Conference. Eminent experts from Europe but also from other continents intend to lecture and participate on round tables. Part of the Conference the young Scientists Forum is meant for colleagues till 35 years of age, often postgraduate students, to gain experience in presenting in front of international audience. International jury will choose the best lecture, its presenter will get a travel grant.

Znojmo is a historic city situated in the South Moravian wine country near to the Austrian border about 80 km from Vienna and about 180 km from Prague. There are several direct train and bus connections from Vienna to Znojmo every day and many buses from Prague to Znojmo. Louka Monastery is not a traditional congress centre, but an only partially renovated historical building with several meeting rooms and beautiful cellars. We do believe that the genius loci of the place contributes to the comradely atmosphere and promotes informal discussions.

See you in Znojmo

Jan Klozar, president of the Czech Head and Neck Cancer Cooperative Group

Ivan Pár, secretary of the Czech Head and Neck Cancer Cooperative Group

Main Topics

  • Toxicity and side effects of the treatment
  • Head and neck oncology – free topic (Also for active participation in the poster section)
  • European Head and Neck Society Symposium: „Treatment of head and neck cancer: Complications and long term outcomes“


Avantgarde Prague s.r.o.
Jáchymova 63/3
Praha 1 Staré Město 110 00
IČO: 27221687 / DIČ: CZ27221687


Satellite Conference for non-medical professions (in Czech)/Satelitní konference pro nelékařské profese

Poprvé v letošním roce paralelně proběhne
Satelitní konference pro nelékařské profese

  • Téma: Péče o pacienta s nádorem hlavy a krku
  • Jazyk: Čeština